Monday, December 08, 2008

Massive market opens for mortagge brokers to ease the pain.

over half the recipients of a recent survet said they were hurting under mortagge stress. The recent mortgage rate reductions would have eased this a little, but this shows how much mortgage brokers who can assist these homeowners are needed right now.
Clients are particularly looking for ways to reduce monthly finance costs and give them some kind of buffer should they need it in the uncertain times ahead.
More than half of the respondents admitted that their mortgage repayments were more than 30 per cent of their gross household income. This used to be the acid test for the maxium borrowing capacity, but these have been stretched to dangerously high levels in the past four years as competition with the banks against mortgage brokers hotted up.
And half of those were feeling mortgage stress. That's about 25% of the total mortgage borrowers.
The Problem is house prices
In the last decade, house prices in Australia had risen to almost nine times the average income. This is from 3 times the average income 40 years ago.
This had left borrowers at significant risk when interest rates rose sharply and house prices remained constant or fell.
The risk could be mitigated by the greater availability of land supply, the use of employment continuation insurance, shared equity mortgages or salary-adjusted mortgages.
But that is for new home buyers.
Mortgage brokers would do better focusing on the needs that already exist. The mortgage stressed homeowner.